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SSTRACER323 07-12-2010 08:18 PM

An argument you can not win!!!!
Justin's car apparently rolled out of the beams and they red lighted him.
He jumped out of the car on the line and had words with Mr. Stewart.
An argument you can not win...........

Ed Fernandez 07-12-2010 10:12 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Thye Sombrero Kid is not one of my favorite people but in this case if the car rolled the beams "Sorry Charlie".

TS310C 07-13-2010 07:02 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
where was this at, Seattle? And who is that?

SSTRACER323 07-13-2010 07:56 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Hey Ryan

Yes it was Seattle and the driver is Justin Lamb. He runs S/G, Super Stock, Comp. His car rolled back out of the beams and then all hell broke loose....
Can't argue with the man in the straw hat..... thats a no no....

d1hitter 07-13-2010 08:02 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
nice car where's the roof ?:D

jmcarter 07-13-2010 08:09 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Apparently both parties in this case like to show their butts in public but more so the racer. "Priviledged" racers tend to do that IMHO.

TS310C 07-13-2010 08:33 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Rick is a jerk but come on, getting out of your car on the starting line. Give me a break!

Kevlar 07-13-2010 12:00 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
My friend had his car back out of the beams in vegas and red lit him.He went to the tower not knowing what happened and found out they they have cameras on a split screen on your tire in the beams and on the tree also the 7 second timeout timer on the screen .His car clearly backed up about an inch out of the stage beam causing the red light.Cool stuff,no questions I wonder if any other tracks use this?

roseracing 07-13-2010 03:18 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Justin and his family we're pitted right next to us at the D5 LODRS event in Denver, CO last month.

I have to admit, it didn't start out very well. But by the end of the weekend, we got to know Justin and his family very well. They are a very nice family and we're a pleasure to talk to (and pit next to) all weekend.

I can't speak for everyone here - but at least Justin had the guts to confront Rick Stewart - no matter if he was right or wrong. It may not have been the smartest thing to do (get out of the car on the starting line), but at least his voice (complaint) was heard.

They are a very nice family and very good at what they do.

Keep up the fight Justin!

Brad Rose
Rose Racing

T Hall 07-13-2010 05:05 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!

Originally Posted by TS310C (Post 197947)
Rick is a jerk but come on, getting out of your car on the starting line. Give me a break!

I agree with Ryan. Plus, like Ed said, " you back out and your red lit". Happens all the time. He is lucky they didnt fine him.

SSTRACER323 07-13-2010 05:53 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!

Originally Posted by T Hall (Post 198056)
I agree with Ryan. Plus, like Ed said, " you back out and your red lit". Happens all the time. He is lucky they didnt fine him.

whos says they did not fine him...... i am really interested to see what happens. they fine the big boys for doing that!!!!
I have never seen some jump out on the starting line in the sportsman ranks.
Well i guess there is a first time for everything....

If you got to drag race central and read the race recap... there is a photo of Justin's car about 20ft in front of the line.... then the photo i posted he is almost back to the burn out box.......

Did anyone see the whole thing? give us the info.... what happened...

luckydog 07-13-2010 06:12 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Wonder if the chic in front of the car satisfied her itch???????:D

Jeff Beckman 07-13-2010 06:41 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
The chick in front of the car is Justin's Mom. Justin's parents are nice folks. It is unfortunate but, the rules are the rules and generaly for good reason.

T Hall 07-13-2010 07:11 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Looks like the ESPN camera guy was going to try and give us something interesting to watch for a change. That would far better TV than the usual pedal fest from the silly cars as WJ calls them. I would have really loved to have watched STEWARTS DRAMA in this situation. He probably was throwing his arms around and doing his starting line dramam dance. UGH!!

Wade Mahaffey 07-13-2010 07:27 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
The kid has spunk, and spunk is good! But if I was dad, he'd be parked till he got it dialed in a little bit better. I know I don't want to be beside a hot head down at the stripe. The only time you get out from the lanes to the return road is if you crash, have a fire, or an extended down time. Even if you brake down, you don't get out because others behind you are ready to go. They push you back and clear, then you get out. It's easy "treat others as you would like to be treated" I think the young man is a good driver, just a little attitude adjustment and he'll be A-OK IMO

Wade Mahaffey

Rich Biebel 07-13-2010 07:41 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
They use AutoStart !......Why are they pointing fingers at the Starter.......Even if you don't like the guy.....the computer is running the tree and has a preset time squence unless it was turned off.....If the light went out after the start signal was triggered your out.......

darkside 07-13-2010 09:05 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
I haven't the slightest clue as to what went on...and yes I know autostart should have been in effect. I also know Justin a little bit and can assure you that something very strange went on or he would not have been out of the car!

DIAPERMAN 07-13-2010 09:54 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Rick Bailey had a few words for Rick at Chicago one year come on Rick tell us

pro7474 07-13-2010 10:34 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
What a mess, everything started normal Reg Wilson lit his prestage bulb and then Justin lit his then Reg went in full stage on his side and Justin started creeping forward at this time Rick Stewart ran in front of Reg's car waving his hands and Justin saw it and thought that there was either something wrong with the track or with Reg's car. What Reg and Justin could not see was a ESPN cameraman in front of the right front fender of Reg's car with 3 bulbs lit and autostart on. Justin then saw Rick run back to between the cars so he tried to get staged as fast as he could but as soon as he moved forward the bulbs started flickering and the tree activated. Justin saw a flash of the tree so he instantly matted it and let go the button but saw a red lite and shut it off. Reg never even left the starting line even after getting a clean tree because he saw the same thing Justin did and thought Rick wanted him to stop. At about this time Rick went over to Reg and told him that he had won because Justin's car had backed out of the beam and had Reg go down the track. This is when Justin got out of his car to argue with Rick. Reg told Justin that he though that they were going to restage them and have the final that is why he never left. Was it the right thing to do? we are talking about a National event final who knows if he will ever get back to another one and on top of that there is a $8000 difference between win and r/u

Food for thought
what would have happened if Justin was lucky enough to get his car into a full stage and Reg never left the starting line? would that be fair to Reg?

But we the whole Lamb Family would like to tell Reg Wilson you drove a great race all weekend and you are now a National Event Champion. Great Job and enjoy it.

Chris Lamb

lazrcng 07-14-2010 05:32 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Thank you for the clear view Chris.

Based on Chris' information Justin has a right to argue, Rick Stuart was in the right to protect the camera man and Reg's race.

IMO camera guy was the cause (wrong place wrong time - safety issue and potential distraction to Reg). Rick should ALWAYS void the process first (let the two racers know to stop, then wave the camera guy out of the way) if he sees anything that is going to potentially disrupt the race then restart the contest.

In hindsight Justin should have sit there with Reg (not taking the tree) and both demanded a clean race.


DIAPERMAN 07-14-2010 05:42 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Come on Rick Bailey tell us your Rick Stewart story

roseracing 07-14-2010 07:43 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
I wouldn't know what to do in that situation. I know that I would be upset if that happened to me.

Thanks Chris for clearing everything up. I hope someday we can cross paths again.

I think Rick Stewart made a mistake on this one. Heck, he's human too.

This race shold have been rerun.

Brad Rose
Rose Racing

Kevlar 07-14-2010 10:02 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Thanks Chris for the explaination.I knew there had to be more to the story.You ,your family and racing operation are all first class and a stand out in our sport.As racers, all we ask from any sanctioning body is a SAFE AND FAIR competition event.Sounds like you got screwed but I have a feeling we will see you in the winners circle very soon.
Good Luck Kevin Briles s/st7848

Rich Biebel 07-14-2010 12:57 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
If Rick Stewart interferred with the stage sequence after 3 bulbs were on he clearly should have backed both racers out and allowed them to re stage and race for the title.
There has to be a video record of exactly what happened.

It's a shame the guy who is in charge of the starting line does not have sense enough to realize his actions may have caused a major issue that cost someone a possible win..........

Jason Oldfield 07-14-2010 01:13 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
If Chris' version of the story is truthful (and I don't have any reason not to believe him, but I wasn't there to see it first hand), then Rick Stewart screwed up. Rather than running in front of Reg's car, he should have simply thrown the switch on the tree to put on the blinking red bulbs (I don't know what the official term is for this state). Had he done that, he could have gotten the camera guy out of the way, and re-staged both competitors.

Too bad for Justin. Obviously, there's no guarantee that he would have won, but it would have been nice to have seen the race settled under normal conditions. Unfortunately, I'd guess the events on the starting line won't get Justin anything except a conference call with the suspension review board (and the ~$300 fee to pay for that review).

SSTRACER323 07-14-2010 05:23 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
more photos from comp plus.... I am sorry but i do not see Stewart moving anywhere and it looks like Justin's car is creeping... lot of smoke off the back of the car .... did the trans slip and the car rolled the beams?

Rick Bailey 07-14-2010 05:32 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Dang Dennis...............I almost forgot about that nightmare............ Hasen't everyone had at least one run in with Ricky !

DIAPERMAN 07-15-2010 06:18 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Tell us the whole story something about a Rope

Rick Bailey 07-15-2010 06:22 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Rick Bailey 07-15-2010 06:44 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
No, Dennis rope..........or at least I didn't offer him one..........but who knows ,, he may "Roll like that"

I offered him a invitation "Of another kind" lol lol lol


C and W Racing 07-15-2010 07:50 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
What I want to know is why they don't enforce their own rules. I thought they said for safty reasons you have to have your visor down from water box on, but yet most people still leave the starting line with the visor up. To me that is a rule violation that should have been enforced as well. Thats whats wrong with our sport. NHRA picks and choses what rules to enforce and you never know when they might chose to do it. It needs to be the same at every race for every racer. It's not like they don't know who is or isn't practicing some safty violations. How many pro drivers are unbuckling themselves, even standing up in their dragsters while its still moving down the shutdown area after a win. I see it all the time. When I race and am coming off of the track it seems like someone at the end of the track looks at me to see if my equipment is still on. That may not be what they are doing but it appears that way to me. Point is, the pics show visors up, enforce the rule. But enforce the same rules for the pro's as well.
Thanks, Chuck

lazrcng 07-15-2010 11:01 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Leave the visor rule alone. I have been bitten in late rounds by a visor fogging up while staging. I have tried all the neat things sold to keep them from fogging up and none of them work.

As long as you let the button go and close the visor, your good!!!

.........and that is the only reason you take your hand off the wheel, not to grab a secondary brake system handle case you need to..............had to dig a little!

C and W Racing 07-15-2010 11:36 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Thats another reason I think NHRA doesn't care about safety. If peoples visors, windows, etc are fogging up, than we shouldn't be on the track at that time. Being able to see is pretty important.
Also, didn't you see how to remedy your visor fogging up? Cory Mac said to use the stuff they clean jewlery with. Of course if you race, how can you afford jewlery or the stuff needed to clean it? lol
All kidding aside, several years ago at the Gators, we ran second round of Super gas late at night and my windows were so fogged up I literally could not tell where I was on the track. My opinion, we should not have been on the track because it was very unsafe as far a visability is concerned. Problems are, go down the track and race, or go home. No regard for our safety
Thanks, Chuck

Chris Williams 07-15-2010 04:07 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
There are a million anti-fog sprays for visors and goggles (check a ski store), they work great and a bottle will last your racing career. No excuse for leaving the line with your visor up.

Ron Finney 07-15-2010 04:15 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
The visor will go down about the time they stick their head out of the cage....yeah, I know there is another post on this issue....but have you seen this weeks National Dragster?? Another color glossy of a S/C racer leaving the line with his head out of the cage...COME ON NHRA, COLOR GLOSSY'S EVERY WEEK???????

Bill Baer 07-16-2010 07:50 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!

Originally Posted by Chris Williams (Post 198539)
There are a million anti-fog sprays for visors and goggles (check a ski store), they work great and a bottle will last your racing career. No excuse for leaving the line with your visor up.

Chris I got to disagree with your last statement ,
Unless you wear eyeglasses and have had the experience of trying to stage with both your eyeglasses and visor fogged up:eek: you can't appreciate how much safer it is to leave with your visor up (or at least partially up)
It is scary as hell to let go of that button when your blind.

Chris Williams 07-16-2010 10:01 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!

Originally Posted by Bill Baer (Post 198651)
Chris I got to disagree with your last statement ,
Unless you wear eyeglasses and have had the experience of trying to stage with both your eyeglasses and visor fogged up:eek: you can't appreciate how much safer it is to leave with your visor up (or at least partially up)
It is scary as hell to let go of that button when your blind.

I do wear eyeglasses, and use the anti-fog spray on both. Once I went to that, I haven't had a problem. Leave the visor up to pre-stage, close it then, off we go :)

SSTRACER323 07-17-2010 05:32 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Just saw the run on TV and Justin just plain jumped.... Even Bob Frye said it. I did not see Stewart running around on the line. You see Justin's light flicker and then he left..... I dont get why he backed up and jumped out of the car then????? :confused:

Sg700x 07-17-2010 10:10 PM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
The only queastion i have is if everything was normal like a reg. final then why didnt the other guy leave the line. They had to tell him to go. So there was something in his mind that made him just sit there. Just my 2 cents.:cool:

SSTRACER323 07-18-2010 10:13 AM

Re: An argument you can not win!!!!
Hell I'd be confused too...... Reg had to see the lights flicker too and then Justin takes off and then backs up.... i am sure he is thinking WTF....

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