Thread: Jeff Teuton
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:54 PM   #26
bill dedman
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You think it's a "dead horse," huh?
You'd better check your crystal ball...

I didn't say that.... LOL!

I can't IMAGINE posting on here "anonymously." I'd be afrraid of what people would think about me... I'm sure there are a lot of folks here who think I'm a complete idiot, and that I stick my nose in where it doesn't belong, but at least they know who they're dealing with.

Each year, I manage to go to a few national events and some points races that are within reasonable driving distance, read digger, and have some close friends who still run Stockers, so I am not TOTALLY out of touch with reality when it comes to current events.. Plus I run my junk in Brackets, but that doesn't count for much...

Like you, I only used the red light rule as an example of how hard it is to get the rank-and-file racers to agree on ANYTHING that affects their racing oprration, because they have been stepped on, kicked around, fined, and deleted from the program to the extent that their UNDERSTANDABLE attitude is, "What next???"

It makes them wary and untrustful of anybody and anything that wants to effect a change in the way things are done.

So, it's going to be a steep, uphill battle for anyone attempting to organize any meaningful challenge to the ststus quo as regards NHRA and the racing program.

At least, that's the way I see it. And I think that's a real shame, because something definitely needs to be done.

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