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Old 09-29-2007, 11:53 AM   #9
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Default Re: ...excessive Braking Is Interesting..

I agree with what everyone is saying. It?s not worth it. Someone?s going to get killed; I could never get back into it if I crashed. It?s all-true. But, in that short time, sometime less than 1 sec a lot of bad decisions are made.

Three years ago I went out in the first round against Alan billings at the atco race in September. It was the last division one race of the year. The weekend was a nightmare to tune to. Rain on and off, lots of moisture in the air. I woke up that mooring excited because the weather station said that the air was the same as the last time shot I took which landed me a 10.904. So I didn?t change a thing. I was in the right lane and I shot out of there with a .013 light (found that out later). Everything was going fine. Unfortunally, being the slower car I got to the 990 cone first (atco does do 1000 ft) I looked for Alan but he was way back there. So I started to drag the brakes. If you could of put a microphone in the car with me, you would have heard me saying over and over. ?Come on, come on? but Alan was just so far back.

Then the brain started playing games. Hey, he?s not that much quicker than me (130 mph to my 127) he should be gaining on me. But, he never was. So since I was the fearless hard braker after all I have won rounds at only 92-mph. This was no different. Hard on the brakes I went followed by a blown front tire, which was followed by the second front going out. Its something that will turn you white knuckled on the wheel. There was nothing I could do. Other than just hang on. Luckily both tires went, if not maybe I?m not here to type this, since she just laid down flat while I held on. She didn?t stop until the first turn off at atco. Lucky for those who came after me it didn?t take long to get my car off the track? I lost anyway with an e.t. of 10.895, and I got called to the tower for an *** chewing.

Yea, I agree braking is dangerous. But, if I had to do it again I think I would. I wish what I said was a lie, and I haven?t put myself in that position again. In fact I haven?t been back to a division race since. Only as a fan. I?m putting my car back together and I hope to return next year. I blamed myself due to not being experienced enough to know better. Which now I guess I am, but what scares me is that I will do it again. God I hope I don?t next time maybe it will just take my life.

Carlos Mendes
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