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Old 04-09-2020, 03:07 PM   #21
SSGT Mustang
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Default Re: Covid 19. Over reaction ?

The media flat out lies.

Anybody that denies that fact is too stupid to argue with.

The sad truth is that most people are too lazy to look up what is being fed to them by the media. They turn on the tube or read the paper and take everything as truth.

They don't understand that the media is a business and like all businesses they have to turn a profit. They sell the news. You don't thinks so? Look up the salaries that some of these people are pulling down.

The COVID situation is no different. They are selling fear and people are too lazy to look up and make an effort to understand the data. The data is out there. Not only for COVID but other causes of death.

People die and the media lies. That's the plain truth of it all.

Don't get me started on what politicians will say and do to get their way.
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