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Old 04-10-2020, 12:20 PM   #21
Dan Fahey
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Default Re: Hold on - Stop the presses ! ! ! I'm mad

Originally Posted by Tom Broome View Post
Wow Dan, I just read your rant in response to Charlie's rant.

Talk about Derangement Syndrome......You have REAL ISSUES, my friend.
Your first line shows how narrow minded, biased and deranged you are:
There is no vaccine for CV19.
If you know this please provide the link....

I read through Charlie's post multiple times. WHERE did he mention Vaccine?
You continue to spout the same talking points IN EVERY POST......Talking points that have been proven false every time you bring them up. You continue to attempt to put the blame on a specific "leader".....WHAT LEADER, BE SPECIFIC!! Are you talking about a Political leader.....On This Forum?
Since you seem to be so focused on the things the United States has done wrong related to SARS-COV-2. Please inform us of the "leader(s)" that have mounted the correct response (in your highly qualified opinion) to this current, SPECIFIC outbreak.

If you chose to reply, and wish to not name specific "leader(s)".....Because.....You Know.....You're not being Political.....On This Forum. Just give us the names of Countries....Or States....That provide examples (in your studied and skilled opinion) of a correct and timely response to SARS-COV-2. Again......You Need To Be Specific!
Dan....I don't actually expect a response from you, because I expect, and need, an Honest and factual reply. We actually need some Honesty from you Dan. Not more theories you deem "facts". Theories are just that.....Theories. If a theory matches your, or my, opinion......It's still a theory. I don't care if you read it on HuffPost or Mother Jones......or the CDC or WHO for that matter! They have all taken both sides, and espoused opposing viewpoints, on theories related towards SARS-COV-2.

So Dan, since you actually seem to know how to discern, and qualify, these opposing theories published by these agencies, and experts. Please tell us, IN SPECIFIC TERMS, what the correct response should have been?

If you can't give us a Specific, and Detailed response......Not by PM, on this Non Political Forum......We need to discount any further commentary from you.......Okay?

This is not political..!
Answer this question...!

Provide a Link where there is a Vaccine for CV19 !!!
CV19 is a new disease.
When a disease is new
There is no vaccine until one is developed.
It can take years for a new vaccine to be developed.

You can simply google
Is there a Vaccine for CV19?
Please tell us what you find?

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