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Old 05-18-2020, 03:30 PM   #34
Greg Reimer 7376
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Default Re: Pray for ALL racers and families

Originally Posted by ghost View Post
sorry for me but, i don't believe in a god. There is too much injustice in this world

it actually takes more faith to believe there is no god that created all of the earth, humans, animals, insects, birds, fish, trees, flowers the whole science and the order of things in this world and how it all works too some kind of accident. God created this world to have no injustice. Adam and eve were made sinless, this world was first created to be perfect but they chose to go against god, they had freewill and sinned in the garden of eden and from that day forward every human was born a sinner. Hence all the injustice and evil in this world. So to save his creation and not let us all die and be damned forever, because he is a perfect and all loving god, he sent his perfect and sinless son jesus to die for my sins, your sins and every persons sins. His death and blood, shed on the cross, covers everyone's sins past, present and future. All god is asking us to do is believe his son jesus is who he says he is, and that he took our place and died for all of our sins. And when we die, we all will, whoever that believes will be with god in heaven and a new earth that he will set up with no more crying, pain, injustice and hurt. Just like it was meant to be from the beginning. Amen! Okay church is over. Sorry my fingers just started typing and i couldn't stop them. Lol

bret velde
2003 fs/??
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