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Old 05-18-2020, 04:01 PM   #38
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Default Re: Pray for ALL racers and families

Originally Posted by GTX JOHN View Post
MY God is Alive and on his Throne!

In 1994 I was on the way back from the Divisional with my
two then young boys. I was pulling my E/SA Demon on a open
trailer with my small 1/2 ton truck. I was on a two lane road that was narrow
with steep shoulders on both sides. I was a new Christian at that
time. A Mazda Miata that was about a hundred feet ahead of us
tried to pass a truck on that narrow stretch. He hit head on a car
going around 60 the other direction.

The wreck was instant and massive. There was absolutely nothing
that I could do to avoid a imminent accident and possible death for
my young family! I closed my eyes and braced for the immediate
crash. For the longest couple of seconds of my life = I did not feel
anything at all. I opened my eyes and my entire rig was a couple
hundred feet beyond the wreck in my rear view mirror.

Feel free to chat with my boys or myself about this incident anytime
you see us at the track. I am will swear under penalty of perjury
the veracity of this incident. I have not related this incident outside
of Church because not many would believe it and probably lock us
all up at the Funny Farm.

AGAIN: My God is Alive and on his Throne!

We all believe whatever we believe = That is what makes us the people
that are!

Thank you so much for sharing that. What a testimony, The Lord IS alive and seated at the right hand of the Father. God Bless. I really do love Mopar's too. Just was born in a Ford family. LOL

Bret Velde
2003 FS/??
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