Thread: Musical Tastes
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Old 08-05-2020, 10:04 AM   #272
Jeff Niceswanger
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Default Re: Musical Tastes

I'm posting this one because of the story behind it. Not really a big favorite of mine anymore, but at the time we played records continuously. Every Friday night when Brad and I got off from work, we went to the Ohio State Liquor store. We both bought one 5th for the weekend. We then went to the two record stores in town and picked out at least one new album a piece. We usually had several people over in the early evenings as I had one of the best stereos in town. We would sit around and "party" till about 10 o'clock, and then head out on the town to our favorite bars. All the bars back then had live bands. Really good bands, many times brought in from out of state to draw customers from other bars doing the same things. After hitting a few bars and 2:30 am rolled around, the bars emptied, and most evenings they emptied into our HOUSE. I can remember waking up to find all the living room furniture pushed out to the edges of the walls for the purposes of making a dance floor. The stories I could tell here are endless, but I wanna tell of the time we just about didn't see the light of the next day.
It was in the winter . Our winters back then were brutal, and anyone that remembers the 1978 79 blizzards of the Midwest can attest to. We had a huge gas heater in the living room. It was out from the wall a couple feet. In the summer months it turned into a table, or a seat for people to sit on during the party's. But in the winter, she was full tilt keeping that old house cozy. After one of our extended get together s, I awoke to the smell of something unusual.Something was just not right. As I walked out in the living room that morning, I found this album (I'm about to play a cut off it) laying on TOP of that furnace. The album had been taken out of the jacket and both were laying there. At least what was left of them. The album itself was all melted and partially burned, and the cardboard jacket was brown, like a piece of well done toast.The album had actually melted and ran into the outlet grooves on the top of the heater.. What in the heck kept us from dying in a fire that night amazes me to this day ...
So here's the album, I choose this video as its a little different..

Jeff Niceswanger 3740 SS

Last edited by Jeff Niceswanger; 08-05-2020 at 10:46 AM.
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