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63corvette 03-26-2023 12:58 PM

Re: Head And Neck Restraints

Originally Posted by Keith 944 (Post 677989)
I definitely understand your reasoning, and I think it’s great that you want to wear one more power to you. This, however, seems like more of a money grab ,kind of like the muffler deal
can’t they word the rule that it is recommended instead of mandatory? reminds me of the government when they passed a law that we had to wear seatbelts And helmets had to be worn on all motorcycles. Yes I know these are safety issues but when they take away your choice, it’s just another bad taste left in my mouth.

Keith I agree with you on this one. It should be a choice. Just like going racing.
This is one more thing that may keep some from going NHRA racing which is not good for the sport.
I am nearing the end of my racing career so I will wear the head and neck restraint as I have just in case something goes wrong.
Loosing a good friend and all around nice guy did change my perspective 10 years ago this April.
Rick Cates
Canyon, TX

Charlie Yannetti 03-26-2023 03:44 PM

Re: Head And Neck Restraints
I have a HANS device that was mandatory for the A/DA that I drove in Comp.. I had no issues with it, as I was always chasing.. guess it was good to keep up with the cert..

Some have said that the HANS is a little restrictive when trying to look side to side.. shouldn't be a problem for me though, cause being a STRIPE *****, I never look anyway.. ain't that right, Tom Goldman??..LMFAO!!

BKSG1198 03-28-2023 08:06 PM

Re: Head And Neck Restraints
I watched Tom Giordano crash at Atco on the starting line in 2010?? and pass away weeks later in the hospital. I spoke to one of the medical personal after the event and they told me a H&N restraint would have probably saved him because it was H&N injuries with how he hit the wall. I went to Jeff shortly after and ordered one & still the one I still own, the original one definitely had restrictions on moving left to right but, giving feedback to Jeff through the years he has worked with Simpson to make them more easy to put on, snap together and make it easy to still move your head side to side. I know there is a lot of old school mentality but, when you think about it.....what does a neck collar really do besides protect your neck from fire, yes you do have to wear a sock with no collar but, my new helmet I had Jeff put the skirt in and I love it.

NHRA1926 03-28-2023 09:32 PM

Re: Head And Neck Restraints
Keith, there are two words that explain why it's mandatory and not recommended. LINDA LOUIE ! Vice President and General Counsel of NHRA. She is also the reason why anyone with a Trump saying on their car a few years ago, was told to remove them, or you will not be allowed to make any passes down the track. Thanks to Bo Butner and Eric Trump for standing up to her and getting approval of at least a small area on each car to have this. I'll bet if anyone had biden on their car, no fuss would have been made about that! By the way, has anyone else noticed that NHRA has 9 Vice-Presidents, besides the Chief Executive Officer, and the President. But they can't afford to hire enough tech people at the events? Look at your latest issue of National Dragster, you'll see all these Vice-Presidents and Senior Directors of; Finance, Production, Sales, Toilet Paper, Paper Clips, etc... 90% of these administrators have never driven a car in competition at an NHRA event. And we wonder why they are losing touch with the sportsman racers. Geez, I really don't know why!

nomad 04-12-2023 03:33 PM

Re: Head And Neck Restraints

Originally Posted by Keith 944 (Post 677989)
I definitely understand your reasoning, and I think it’s great that you want to wear one more power to you. This, however, seems like more of a money grab ,kind of like the muffler deal
can’t they word the rule that it is recommended instead of mandatory? reminds me of the government when they passed a law that we had to wear seatbelts And helmets had to be worn on all motorcycles. Yes I know these are safety issues but when they take away your choice, it’s just another bad taste left in my mouth.

It seems like a money grab to me disguised as a safety issue.

The breaking point for me came when I gutted a perfect good transmission last summer to spend $172 in shipping to get a new $75 tag on the case. It's why I haven't raced SS/T this year.

I'm off topic. Even though in the scheme of things this restraint isn't all that expensive it should be good forever. By the looks of them only the head tether may be subject to wear. Well, sell those new separately, no re-recerts allowed. But, that's not as revenue producing as a new SFI tag.

It's not about the money. I mean, this is an expensive hobby. Having to spend copious amounts of money shouldn't come as a surprise to any of us. It's the constant nickle and diming us in the form of SFI stickers.

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