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Old 05-15-2021, 12:33 AM   #74
Randy Wells
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Default Re: Sonoma Double in Jeopardy?

Originally Posted by Greg Reimer 7376 View Post
I am stuck here in the left coast for the foreseeable future, and it embarrasses me to wonder what the rest of the country must think of us. We really don't breed for resale that disgusting class of foul, vile,politically contaminated breed of woman that comes from this state with the intentions of taking over the country. There's too many of them now, and they have gotten too far. They don't recognize the national agenda and the proper priorities for this great Nation, they are too infatuated with their own agenda of wealth, power, control, and authority to care about anything else. Don't ever trust any portion of da gummint to ever do anything for you. You won't recognize it or want it if you do.Blaming somebody else all the time doesn't work either. How long did the obamination blame Bush for everything every time he couldn't seem to do his job? I like to see persons with a goal take what they have, work with it, see improvements, and stay on top of it until they see results,like one member of this thread has done with his little red race car. How many round wins do the critics and complainers ever see themselves get with that attitude. How many Divisional races have any of them won? I love seeing the success of others who worked for it and deserve it. If something wasn't worth working for, then it must not be worth having in the first place. Gary, you are a real friend. I'm proud to know you and to say that. Nobody on this thread that knows you has any sympathies toward those who make inappropriate remarks that belittle others as well. He certainly never knocked you down a hundredth of a notch, but he sure threw himself face down on the floor. Keep at it and, incidentally, the Winternationals have been scheduled for Pomona on the weekend of July 30,31, and August 1. Hope to see you there!

Hang in there brother, things will turn around, start by throwing that ridicules mask away and refuse to wear it, it is nothing but a symbol of control, fortunately I live in a place wear I am not forced to wear it and I have not put one on in months, and I do not own one. The vaccine, that is a personal choice I will not take it and will not take it period. I am 65 year old diabetic and I had covid last summer was sick for a few days, this BS needs to stop and the only way to stop it is stand tall as patriotic Americans and tell these ****es to pack sand. We would welcome you to Missouri, tracks have been open through out this commie scam.

Randy Wells
I/S 6528
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