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Old 07-21-2021, 09:14 AM   #41
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

Originally Posted by Grey Ghost View Post
My original post was knocking the good old usa not canada. Maybe you voted for out to lunch bucket joe and I offended you?
No, just didn't understand your post bud!
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Old 07-21-2021, 10:07 PM   #42
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

Stupid thread from the start!
Bob Smith
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Old 07-31-2021, 01:15 AM   #43
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I can tell you why it’s popular. Because it doesn’t matter how you slice it up, Stock and Super Stock are highly rule bound bracket cars. The vast majority of drag race spectators I know will not watch anything that isn’t heads up. Bring up Super Gas and they cringe when a faster car loses. And worse yet, when they go on the stop they just check out.

A real drag race is heads up to most spectators. Power adders are here and mainstream. I don’t see that changing any time soon. I prefer NA and always will. But the turbo’s and Pro Chargers are what is making big power, relatively cheap.

And I can tell you why they do it on the street. It’s because they can’t get track time. Forever and a day there wasn’t a track around that would give them time for their own “class” as it were. The tracks would run all three “Super” classes and maybe a Top Comp deal with 16 or 32 qualifiers and then it would be a bracket race. Again, the VAST MAJORITY of drag racing spectators have no desire to see a bracket race.

And on top of that, you have some seriously bull**** rules at sanctioned tracks. And add to that the track is only open one or two days a week. You have to race at their time, when they tell you, how they tell you. It is IMO as close to communism as you can get. I know the self righteous here will tell me how much “safer” drag racing is by its plethora of lawyer devised and moron implemented rules, but the fact is drag racing will never be safe.

And I ask all the nervous nellies and nattering nabobs what do you care if two cars line up and don’t make a full pass? As a “purist” you see a drag race differently that the average spectator does. What do you care of two cars line up and one ends up in the wall, or going turtle? If you don’t want to line up next to someone like that, don’t. You have a choice.

Now, I know the same type I mentioned above that will tell me how well the rules work and they will argue that crashing cars and the potential of bodily harm and even death affects the entire sport. I won’t argue otherwise. What I will say is when grown men decide they want to line up two cars and run them at a closed course event there shouldn’t be ANY reason for anyone to suffer outside of the two fools who may potentially harm of kill themselves. It’s a freedom of choice thing.

But we have ambulance chasing lawyers and nanny state judges and juries filled with cucks, naves, fools and idiots. The lawyers want the money. The judges think themselves gods and law makers and the juries I’ve served on were as dumb as they come. The judge has no problem lying to the jurors, telling them they can’t judge the law. And that’s a lie. But the simple minded, brainwashed dullards think that anything the government says is written on stone and not to be judged.

That is the perfect soup of stupid and tyranny that has tied this country down since the “civil” war. Personal responsibility is long gone. Lawyers running amuck, looking to use insurance company data to tell everyone if someone dies on a drag strip their insurance will go up. When the truth is it doesn’t make a pinch of **** of difference. Every time there is a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake or some other real or man made calamity, the insurance companies are bound to lose millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars. Most of them can’t survive a hit like that. To cover their slimy asses, they raise the rates of car insurance, your home owners insurance and every other insurance there is to cover their loss. The insurance companies NEVER lose money. It’s a ****ing scam.

It’s a sad fact that we have lost nearly every liberty we should have. If someone wants to do something that couple potentially kill them I say let them do it. I’ll even pay to watch a moron try and get 2800 HP down an unprepped track on a 275 tire all day long. If they end up in the morgue it won’t affect me one iota. And it should not affect anyone else. It was freedom of choice. No one made anyone do anything. Yet it’s ok to send men to fight wars we have no business fighting, for a people who won’t fight their own wars and that’s fine. And you can say that’s what they signed up for and that would be true. But fighting either world war, Korea, Viet Nam and certainly any war in the Middle East and Asia (look up Asia on a map...it’s not what most people think it is) isn’t defending the Constitution or any US interests. But it certainly benefits one nation and it ain’t the US.

At any rate, I’m all for Liberty, freedom of choice and personal responsibility. Being able to do dumb **** (or at least what some think is dumb ****) to the point of inflicting death upon oneself falls under all of the above. Bring back personal responsibility and the freedom to do what you want. If the consequences are too much for someone to stomach, don’t do it. I have friends who would stop ANY motorsports today and not give a single **** what we think. And there are more of them than us. They think it’s stupid, kills the earth and the worthless humans who live here and a waste of money. They are, of course full blown communists of which I remind them at every chance. They counter with they are liberal. Or progressive. Or some other bull**** to convince them they aren’t communists. That’s what we are up against.

Deprive no one of what they wish to do and as long as it doesn’t present harm to you, live and let live. Or, as I believe that before my life ends we will be under full communist rule. Look at 2020 and all that happened. And now 2021 will repeat with more stupid mask wearing, force vaccination (what they **** is that??? And there are multitudes who think they have the RIGHT to make you take a vaccine that has no value...vaccines don’t work on a flu) and the coming lockdown. The “government” is trying to implement a basic income. That means they either tax the piss out of the money makers or they print money which has the same end result.

Last edited by Stickshift; 07-31-2021 at 01:22 AM.
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Old 07-31-2021, 11:47 AM   #44
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

Take a valium stick.

Drag racing is on the way down due to our own racers fault.
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Old 07-31-2021, 03:44 PM   #45
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I had to give your post a like FO. Because your ain’t wrong. Read through the entire thread and see what is called drag racing. See why the stands empty when the fuel cars are done. Even heads up cars like Pro Stock are so ruled and regulated it’s like a freaking slot car race. Nobody wants to spend the money and a day watching crapola like that. So it is 100% the racers fault for the state of drag racing. It’s the racers fault for being so married to NHRA that they have no voice in anything. It’s the drag racers fault for thinking that bracket racing in ANY form is relatable to the general public. It’s the drag racers fault that the staging lanes are FULL of drivers who if by the off chance they had to tune the engine and chassis without a throttle stop they’d be lost. And the same drivers who without electronics would be baffled.

So yeah, it IS the drag racers fault for the state of drag racing. Shame on those of you who refuse to deal with reality and see the writing on the wall.

And might I suggest you stop the Valium. It’s compromising your thinking.
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Old 07-31-2021, 07:08 PM   #46
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

This is not the fault of fuel cars.

In the last 30 years, the NHRA has cultivated the lowest common denominator in spectators. They have turned sanctioned drag racing into pro wrestling. Throngs of ignorant mouth-breathing booger-eating morbidly obese spectators with no actual connection to the sport of drag racing, swill $8 plasic cups of urine-colored semi-fermented rice water marketed by mega-breweries as a potable liquid, and simp celebrity pro-class driver autographs in the pits

Last edited by 6130; 07-31-2021 at 07:11 PM.
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Old 07-31-2021, 10:49 PM   #47
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

Originally Posted by 6130 View Post
This is not the fault of fuel cars.

In the last 30 years, the NHRA has cultivated the lowest common denominator in spectators. They have turned sanctioned drag racing into pro wrestling. Throngs of ignorant mouth-breathing booger-eating morbidly obese spectators with no actual connection to the sport of drag racing, swill $8 plasic cups of urine-colored semi-fermented rice water marketed by mega-breweries as a potable liquid, and simp celebrity pro-class driver autographs in the pits
I can’t argue that one bit. You are correct. The other side of the same coin is the racers side. The racers who think that all the Super classes appeal to the masses of any IQ. And they do not. IMO there shouldn’t be a Super class or any bracket type class at a National Event. Ever. When you go to see that show, it better be the best show you can produce. Pro Stock cars with rules that would strangle a dinosaur is BORING. Pro Stock Motorcycle is horrible to watch, and I ride and have ridden most of my life.

To that end, electronics and the clutchless transmission have allowed any simple minded dolt to drive these cars. PS is a complete joke. It’s become a driver centric game, and most of the drivers out there couldn’t change a spark plug with a gun to their head.

It’s likely possible (highly probable) that I’m old enough that I know what I don’t like and to have seen Glidden, WJ and a host of others actually work on the stuff they drove. Pretty rare today. And I know the names of those who do work on and drive their stuff. And I don’t like the fly in driver. Never have. Never will.

I’ve been going to drag races since 1966. I still remember flag starts and the very first time clocks ever used at the track I grew up around. So I’ve seen the evolution and devolution of drag racing. I remember when all the electronics hit and I was the lone voice crying out that electronics will be the downfall of Sportsman drag racing. I wasn’t wrong either.

I know as a spectator I have no desire to watch slot car racing or Super class nonsense. As a racer, I want to participate in that sort of thing even less. Which brings me back to the issue at hand.

That is what a fan, most of the fans I know want to see, and that’s heads up racing. Not Pro Stock slot car heads up racing but line your junk up and run it drag racing. In fact, I wager everything I have and a bunch of stuff I don’t have that IF you had a Nation Event and you fixed Pro Stock, got rid of all the bracket type crap and had a small tire and big tire heads up class the stands would be packed when they ran, even with the fuel cars there. I could be wrong, but I doubt I am.

Degrading fans because you think your IQ is superior is a serious personality fault. Professional Wrestling is 100% fiction and yet it is wildly popular. More fans means more more.

Or drag racing can carry on the Wally Parks/NHRA fiction that is drag racing today and it will slowly die off. And then your bracket cars will be worth scrap prices. Or, we can get smart and put on a show the people want to see. No Prep Kings is immensely popular, but drag racing “purists” are above that type of thing. We think it gives drag racing a bad name. Let me clue you in on something. Drag racing had a bad name long before I was born, and not one damn thing Wally Parks or any other sniveling compromiser has done has changed that one iota. Not one.

It’s because when a moron despises what someone else does, you can’t change their opinion or their mind about it. There are folks who absolutely hate that people go to a gun range and shoot targets, or shoot trap. They think it’s a waste and nothing you or I say or do will change that.

And so it is with drag racing. The same simple minded prudes who live in fear of everything from the flu to climate change and every other fiction dreamed up by control freaks that hated drag racing when it started are still around today. They have multiplied through reproduction and increases on an order of magnitude through marxist public education. You can’t unscrew that with a nice attitude and clean team uniforms.
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Old 08-01-2021, 08:39 AM   #48
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

I too, have been going to the drag strip since the '60s.

I think we can at least agree that Modified Eliminator is missed...
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Old 08-01-2021, 09:08 AM   #49
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I love stockers. I love oddball stockers. I love slow stockers. I love U,V, and W Stock Auto.

I'm not super stoked about NHRA allowing cars with no VINs into Stock Eliminator, but I like that at least in theory, a W/SA Pinto wagon is capable of putting a COPO on the trailer.

The only thing I find interesting in Super Stock, is SS/VX. I would find it tremendously entertaining for an SS/VX car to even go one round, especially against something like a Hemi 'Cuda Super Stocker.

Like you, I am not in favor of where developments in electronic warfare have taken us.

I am not against "power adders", per se. I realize that anyone with a junkyard 5.3 and a Chinese turbo, can make 1,000+ horsepower these days. Maybe that's why "fast" alone, doesn't impress me. But I believe that a 1,000+ horsepower car should be set up in a manner that doesn't make it unnecessarily dangerous, like racing it on 275mm street tires. I always thought Buddy Ingersoll's Comp Eliminator Buick was cool. I'd love to race a 4-cylinder auto-trans 2015 Mustang EcoBoost in I/SA. Again, I'm not against "power adders" per se.
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Old 08-02-2021, 06:45 AM   #50
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Default Re: No-prep/small-tire/outlaw street racer/social media infl

Originally Posted by 6130 View Post
I too, have been going to the drag strip since the '60s.

I think we can at least agree that Modified Eliminator is missed...
I 1000% agree with that statement of fact. The killing of Modified Eliminator was a dismal day in drag racing history.
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